• 110 Completed Projects

  • 170 Patents Filed

  • 23 Patents Awarded

  • 2089 Journal Publications

  • 928 Conference Publications

  • 130+ Sponsored Research Projects

In today’s world, research dictates progress. It pushes the boundaries of what we know, explores what we don’t, and taps into the potential of what can be. Research is, therefore, the key to a better tomorrow. 

At the Ramaiah University of Applied Sciences, Research is multidisciplinary and collaborative. Scholars, researchers, students, and faculty members are encouraged to dismiss their academic blinkers and are trained to apply learnings from one discipline to another. Their experiences as researchers also shape them as professors, professionals, and lifelong learners — with each role influencing the other. 

At RUAS, Research is designed to achieve the collective good; to improve lives, communities, and society as a whole

Sponsored Research

The University has actively worked with National and International organisations in government, public and private sectors to carryout research and generate knowledge for the benefit of the Society. Research Organisations like ISRO, DRDO, DST, DBT and Central Ministries like Power, New and Renewable Energy, Environment and Forest, Human Resources, Agriculture, IT and Electronics and Industries have provided finance and research grants for advanced research in the past. So far the University faculties have undertaken more than 90 funded research projects and have filed more than 50 patents.

High Priority R&D Domains

Centres of Excellence

RUAS’s Centres of Excellence bring together experienced experts, sophisticated tools and equipment, and well-planned facilities.

Research Centres

The University is home to more than 20 Research Centres across different disciplines and fields of study.


Committees play a key role in guiding students and scholars in their research and publishing efforts