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Target based Computer Aided Drug repurposing


Recent advances in the fields of biochemistry, molecular biology and cell biology is facilitated with subsequent improvements in genomics and proteomics resulting in a large number of novel biological targets that can be exploited for their diagnostic and therapeutic interventional capabilities. The bottleneck constraints encountered during traditional drug discovery process in terms of financial support, timeline and resources can be subjugated by Drug Repurposing. This unconventional approach explores new therapeutic benefits of existing, abandoned and drugs vested in various phases of clinical trials. In order to intensify the DR approaches, several efforts were made to construct stratagems based on bioinformatics and computational tools process off-late.

Research Topics

Unveiling disease specific targets for drug repurposing in 

  • Alzheimer’s Disease
  • Parkinson’s Disease
  • Epilepsy
  • Cancer

Facilities Available

  • Molecular docking
  • Pharmacophore modelling
  • Homology modelling

Research Faculty